Frequently asked questions

Physiotherapists are first contact practitioners, meaning you do not have to have a referral to see a Physiotherapist if you are seeking treatment.

A referral / medical certificate IS necessary prior to your initial appointment for the following services to be covered:

  • Medicare / EPC (see below)
  • Workcover
  • DVA
  • Third party claims

Enhanced Primary Care plans (EPC) can be provided by your GP for chronic conditions (ie: conditions / injuries over 6 months old). An EPC allows people with chronic injuries or conditions access to Allied Health services (ie:  Physiotherapy) to assist in management with the benefit of a Medicare rebate. An EPC can offer up to 5 referred Allied Health appointments in a calendar year.

Your Physiotherapy sessions can then be partially funded by Medicare if you meet the following requirements:

  • You must have a chronic medical condition (ie: injury / condition over 6 months old)
  • You must have the appropriate referral from your GP

Our EPC appointments are also associated with a gap fee. Please contact our office to enquire about fees applicable to your appointment.

**Please note: it is up to the discretion of your GP as to how many sessions they allocate**

The amount your health fund covers is dependent on the level of cover you have. 

Please contact your Health Fund for exact figures.

All Health Fund claims are processed in our clinic via HICAPS

You do not need a referral from your doctor for physiotherapy, including male and female pelvic
health conditions.
If you have seen a doctor/specialist, please bring all relevant paperwork and investigation reports
You will receive an email from our team with a standardised form to gather some information about
your situation – this helps us streamline the appointment time.
Our pelvic health physiotherapist is trained to do thorough pelvic assessments.

Please wear something comfortable to your appointment.

Your initial appointment

Please arrive 5-10min earlier to ensure any required paperwork is filled out prior to your appointment

What to bring:

  • Any necessary referrals or Medical certificates
  • Reports for any imaging relevant to your treatment (Xrays, ultrasounds, CT, MRI)

What to wear:

Please wear or bring in comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in and conduct assessments in