Pool surrounds refurbishment – false economies to avoid.
The following lists some of the pitfalls of buying imported fake turf online and is proof why the best solution is to engage an industry professional. When it comes to products like paving, carpet, vinyl installations, you should always engage a licensed and skilled supplier.
The most common pitfalls:
- Online purchase – full rolls option only so un required material left over.
- Product rolled so tightly the turf pile is flattened for exporting space then needs many patience hours brushing up in the Sun, needs heat to relax for the Turf pile to stand up, hours of wasted time.
- Product can be over latex and stitching not straight from being manufactured and not laying flat with waves or humps in the Turf and or from shipping / storage, makes it a hard challenge and extra wasted time even for the professionals trying to present an acceptable overall finish with straight clean joins.
- Product Colours usually not as natural in appearance pending upon origin of the product and it may not even survive our Harsh UV conditions. Colour usually fades within a few months.
- DIY renovators don’t have the skill sets or experience for different layouts for different areas. Results in lack of sub base preparation for a desired finish. Sometimes just laid and roll out onto existing dirt.
- Only considering short term economy ends in a false economy in the long term.
I have been asked to rectify the above problems many times and expected to perform wonders on the result when laying a product bought online. Most of these jobs require to be started again with the quality product we recommend.
Investing in the right product will be naturally appealing, low maintenance, long lasting and will add value to your property.
Following images show how we have to basically start again to rectify the problems caused by DIY renovations.